The Time to Fly is Here!

Like all of us a few weeks back I received news I was not expecting. It was nothing serious as much as it was a surprise that well took me by complete surprise. So here I was just having hang up the phone thinking how could this be. I am sure I had heard correctly. I am sure this was right. I am sure that what I had chosen was right. I just knew that I knew that I knew…

So as I sat there and felt the moment I began thinking suddenly about how a butterfly is within its cocoon for so long. There she is restricted and unable to really do very much about her condition. There is Joseph sitting inside a jail cell just waiting and realizing that unless Dad turns up this is it for him. There is David sitting within a cave waiting for the one that promised to show up. There is Moses walking around the dessert with some sorry sheep thinking, meditating, wondering if perhaps this is it for him too.

Suddenly the butterfly begins to emerge as something she has never been before. She extends one wing to see an amazing display of artistry and wonders if it could get any better than this when suddenly as she looks the other way it does, as another beautiful mosaic spreads before her very eyes…Joseph hears a knock on the cell door and as he looks up the door opens and he too emerges from this cocoon he has been sitting in for God only knows how long…David suddenly finds himself in a place that used to be familiar yet it seems so alien today and there is Moses standing before a burning bush as he for a moment in time stands in a place he could have only dreamt about…one by one they emerge from their cocoon. Transformed and brand new to experience a journey and reality that used to maybe only fumble in their dreams when they first entered this cocoon they are now leaving…

You and I have cocoons too in different areas of our lives. As frustrating as they are they are very much necessary if this wonderful transformation is going to take place from our false identity into our real one. You see within the cocoon we leave behind what we thought we were. There stay our labels, false identities, and egocentric hopes and dreams. There stays that part of us that thought we were somehow separated from Dad as we fought through our right and wrong to reach the garden once again. In this cocoon we leave behind the prideful mind that tries so desperately to take that place that was all along meant for our heart…

Today you may be inside a cocoon too and so I take this chance to encourage you that the same one that never forgets the butterfly nor those biblical giants of faith will neither forget you and I. We must remember that he is more committed than we are to vanish all that stands on the way of the real us that is within. This is why I remind you with confidence that our new day is coming when we will glance and be amazed as we are finally able to see what stands within and before us!


Photo by Unknown

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