Often I am asked if I see miracles happening when I speak. Below I am sharing, with permission, a private conversation I had over Instagram with a mother that brought her son to be prayed for after I had finished speaking two months ago at Ignition Church in Knoxville, TN. When I saw the boy I felt compelled within me to hug him. I didn’t know him, his mom, nor anything about their situation. This is what she said…
Her name is Lucy.
Lucy said:
After my baptism at Ignition church things got really rough for me for a while and i wanted to share with you how our Daddy worked though you and Pastor Hunter and Ignition to change my life and my sons life in a HUGE WAY!
Pablo said:
Hey Lucy. I am sorry things have been hard for you. I hope they are getting better. How are you doing at present?
Lucy said:
My son Kadin (age 8) has dealt with a lot in a very short time. His father (with whom we have been divorced from for most of Kadin’s life) suffers from depression as did Kadin’s grandfather who he was very close too (he took his own life a few years ago after basically telling Kadin he was going to do it during a phone conversation). Over the past 3 years I have seen my once very sweet little boy become less loving and more self loathing. He’s dealt with a series of issues which I have been told by professionals range any where from ocd, depression, ADHD all the way to autism on the scale of emotional and mental health issues. None of this has ever been officially diagnosed but it has been a processes we have started and stopped and restarted a number of times.
Right after my baptism something happened with Karin at school (I’ll spare you the details as it is a long story) but it raised enough red flags for him at school that i was finally able to rally people behind me to help get him the help he needed. I felt lost and sad. I was confused. I had just surrender to God and THIS was what he was doing with my life, with my sons life? I felt betrayed.
I skipped church the following Sunday for the 1st time since I’d started attending a few months prior.
I then ALMOST skipped the following Sunday but I prayed and I begged God to help me see him and the family I had at ignition and their intentions for me and my son more clearly
You were there that Sunday. Your message had such an impact on me and when you were doing blessings over our family I felt so compelled to bring my son to you.
Normally Kadin would have been very confused and scared and possibly even lashed out in such an emotionally charged situation
But while you prayed over him he was calm and seemed to me for the 1st time in literally months at peace.
He hugged you…. It had been nearly a year since I had witnessed my son express affection like that (even towards me)
God was there with you two. You helped bridge that gap for my son and for me.
And I knew in that moment that the reason God had allowed things to get difficult for me and for my boy for a bit was because he wanted the opportunity to show me that as long as I stick with Pastor Hunter and Ignition and trust in him and the work he is doing in my life there that this will all be OK.
Listen… This may sound crazy but my son has changed. He left that embrace he shared with you and Jesus a totally different child.
He is happy. I have had literally NO behavior issues since.
He has come off all his meds. I am so incredibly greatful for the work you are doing and allowing our Father to do through you.
Pablo said:
It is only a privilege to be able to stand and be a part of what God is doing. Thank you for sharing this with me as it brings a deep smile to my heart.
Enough said