In my old line of work as a professional tennis coach I often bumped into someone that shared their admiration for my life and what I had managed to accomplish through it.
I remember a few years back when one of these instances happened again and as always I began by thanking them though this time I also laughed. Naturally they asked why and so I shared with them a little of what went on then, and even still today, inside of me. I shared with them that I often cried and felt lonely, especially when I travelled. I opened their eyes to the broken childhood I had and the many years I wondered aimlessly in the world trying to find my home.
I told them how, even today at times, I wrestled with thoughts of inferiority and self promotion. That shame challenged me often and that there was still much pain within me though it was slowly being healed. I explained that the reality was that inside I was broken and was being held together by the invisible hands of grace. That if there was any life or anything wonderful flowing from me it was because of that grace that has led me to discover today a little bit more than yesterday, the original goodness that was given to me all those years ago when I was knitted together in my mothers womb. That unadulterated goodness I was choosing not to hide behind the law, good works, false pretenses, or even great accomplishments but instead allowed it to flow each day by staying real instead of strong as people thought I was!
Are you being real today or are you still pretending to be someone you are not? Consider that when we wear a mask it is impossible to understand how well we are loved as the upkeep of the mask crowds our ability to see and feel, hence why so many of us keep trying so hard to feel loved.
God loves the real you which includes your wounds, darkness, failures, and brokenness to mention a few. Have you stopped lately to consider what might be the reason why you might not be able to do the same?
Photo by Brandon Hill