The day we finally loosen our grip and allow the masks where we have been finding our identity to fall off we will experience a sense of loss. Often a complete lack of energy to continue living and thriving will follow. Consider today that this feeling of complete loss is like the grieving period one undertakes when a loved one departs from them. It takes time and it requires vulnerability and honesty for us to let them go so that the healing we need can begin to flow and in their place a new reality.
Equally with the loss of our false identity it requires us to understand that as we transfer the source of our lives from the false to the true self we are beginning to learn to live again. It is not that we need to undertake the journey all over again but it is more the case of learning to understand our newfound likeness with God as we are reconnected with our true self within our hearts. This new journey of reconnection, like all things in life, will require practice, perseverance, and discovery.
It will require mistakes and tripping up. Trials and errors. It will require humility and an open heart to be able to discover and understand what it looks like to express it in our lives. This is why we have been given that beautiful thing called grace as everyone of us like, Jesus the man did (Hebrews 5:9) will need time to understand what it looks like to see our lives aligned with the perfection and meaning we carry within.
Keep enjoying the beautiful ride!
Photo by Gerry G