God Hits a Home Run!

In life we can either have an attitude of curiosity and humility or one of entitlement and arrogance.

The first set will help you, as the eagle does, during storms to fly higher than you have been before because like the eagle you will open your wings and allow the winds of adversity to help you discover places you have never seen or been to before. The second set will keep their wings tucked in as they will be too busy complaining about how nasty and strong the wind is and how they have been working so hard that they don’t deserve a storm or opportunity like the one life is presenting them with.

When life throws us a curve ball it is not trying to strike us out as much as it is attempting to simply show us a new way to hit the ball. Yes we might might miss it once, we might miss it twice, three, or even 10 times. Yet, eventually if we are curious and open we will learn how to hit it and as we do we will move on to the next base (lesson and opportunity).

Life, unlike baseball, is not designed to strike us out. It is designed to help us gain understanding so that we can have a clearer chance to see that when God made us he hit a home run with each and everyone of us. The only reason we will strike out and have no chance of being able to see this is when WE decide to walk away from the plate and just give up.

Therefore be still and keep swinging that bat!


Photo by Kimberley Larson

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