Do You Understand The Truth?

The commandments are true. They were given to us by the one that is truth and no lie is found within him. Yet, for many years the better I got at obeying them the less fulfilled and at peace I felt. Today I understand why.

You see the law is what I am coming to understand as fixed truth which only requires us to obey it. This truth is transactional and automatic and it is based on the quality of our performance. Still even when we manage to obey it and fulfill it all we get at the end is the cold stone face of the law which neither congratulates nor does it cultivate life and growth.  This is because the law is the invoice we get when we choose to fulfill and relate with the truth through our own efforts.

So if this is not it then what?

Well today more than ever I believe that when Yeshua referred to abundant life what he was pointing towards was Limitless and open truth. To access this reality we need to surrender and trust. Even though this is of course very hard at first over time this ability is developed through a relationship where we invite mystery into our journeys so that performance can take a back seat to experience. Right and wrong are superseded by grace, and the fear of failure and rejection are trumped by unconditional love and acceptance.

When we flow in limitless and open truth I sincerely believe that we are  given an open field to live our lives. Here we are invited to open ourselves to an overflowing life while at the same time also to pain and suffering as waking up requires all three of them. One of the signs that gives us a clue that we are living in this open reality is the ongoing discovery of God and our real self that He put within each of us. This is because this real self cannot be contained within a box and neither can it be discovered through the rules which are simply designed to point out the symptoms of the fallen nature we use to cover it. To remain in this open field we require faith as the restrictive boundaries normally encountered on the road of fixed truth, which try and offer us an illusion of safety and control, are no longer in place. Here we lose who we think we are so we can discover who we really are in Christ.

The only performance marker in this space is the understanding that there is always more to discover and understand. Not so that we can be loved and affirmed but so that we can see how well and how much we already are and always have been.


Photo by Thodoris Gkoutzamanis

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