Bread Crumbs

I was watching some birds the other day eating some bread crumbs that someone had thrown on the pavement for them. As I observed them my heart began to show me that what I was looking at was exactly the same transaction that takes place each day within the lives of those of us that still remain entrenched in a religion based on our performance. 

You see these little birds would eat but they would have to keep coming back for more if they were to survive. Their food depended on this man and others giving them enough bread crumbs until next time. As long as they flew around the people providing the bread crumbs and continued to show allegiance to them they continued to receive the same dose each time.

Consider today that if you feel like you have to keep going back somewhere or have to hear someone to be fed you are probably living from bread crumb to bread crumb. Religion is designed to make you a dependent prisoner so that you are never able to discover the bakery (The Kingdom) that is already within you.

Choose today to open the eyes of your heart so that you may be able to see that none of us needs anyone or anything to give us bread crumbs as within each of us we already have the bread of life which will satisfy us like no man made bread crumb ever will!

Remember – In the Kingdom the bread crumbs were always meant to be the bonus – not the main course.

Have a great feast this week!


Photo by Ryan Reitter

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