Is the beginning of a new week. The Sacred Spaces in Our Lives23 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3140 days ago)
Here are 9 life changing nuggets of truth I have been recently discovering as I continue to travel down this road called my life Some More Fruits from Facing The Man in The Mirror13 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3155 days ago)
Many people ask me if God is with us and we live present and are aware of that presence then why do you, Pablo, still make time to meditate and pray. This is a very good question and here is how I see this. The Journey Starts with You!11 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3151 days ago)
When our lives constantly begin from our minds we are forced into a space where we need to make up our life as we go along as the mind, unlike the heart, is incapable of releasing an effortless and continuos outflow of life into our path. The Way Out is In9 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3153 days ago)
In my most recent trip to the USA I decided, as all my invitations were close to each other and on the East Coast, to drive instead of fly. As I look back on the trip I am glad I chose to do this as I was able to capture […] Our Inner GPS6 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3157 days ago)
A few weeks ago men I called my allies and friends did something that caught me by complete surprise. It wasn’t so much what they did but how they chose to do it that really surprised me. He Makes All Things New…If We Allow Him To4 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3159 days ago)
Often what we treasure is also what we look to validate our lives. What validates our lives usually influences what is important to us and where we set our boundaries. It often acts as a reference point on what we are prepare to give up in order to be validated […] Finding Your Real Treasure2 May, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3161 days ago)
1 Our heart is connected to a completely different time zone to the one that many of us have learnt to function in. Our time zone has markers everywhere and its common denominator is called hurry. Pressure and anxiety are close companions with fear not far behind as we constantly battle […] The Timeless Zone29 Apr, 2016 in Uncategorized by Pablo Giacopelli (updated 3164 days ago)