Your Purpose is Not Your Calling

…In modern times, much to-do has been made about discovering the purpose of why we are alive. Many books and manuals have been produced to supposedly help us discover what the specific thing is we are supposed to be doing. This quest has led and continues to lead many into a place where they experience frustration and a complete lack of fulfillment because they believe there is one specific thing they must do, and nothing else.

I struggled with this to the point that, at one stage, it became the very focus of my entire life. I wanted to maximize my potential and fulfill the reason I was alive. This thought gave me the idea that this would make Dad proud of me and bring Him pleasure. This unhealthy thought pattern continued until one day Dad showed me that in the Garden there was no need to find out what our purpose was, because this had nothing to do with our doing.

Adam and Eve’s identity and reason for being was found in the reality they lived in, where they were aware they were one with Dad. They found everything they needed there, including their life’s purpose. Adam was asked to tend and keep the Garden, and Eve was asked to be his helper. Food and water were readily available. And in this reality, they both worked, not to find their purpose but simply to manage and maintain the place they lived in and were a part of. The first time we see Adam needing to find a new identity and purpose is when, through his choices, he is driven out of the reality of the Garden that was within his heart.

This departure has led to us living in a world where we easily confuse our purpose for our calling. We need to understand that our purpose is to intimately relate with Dad and our calling is the way this ongoing love affair within us is expressed through our individual gifts on the arena known to all of us as the world.

Pages 56-57

The Modern Fig Leaf – Uncovering Your True Identity

Photo by Mila Mai


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